1. Securing Your API Key
To start, you need an API key. Head over to https://divineapi.com/ and register to initiate your 7-day trial.
- Select the APIs you are interested in; you can change these selections at any time. You can add or remove APIs in the future.
- Click on checkout, fill out the sign-up form, and enter your payment details on the next page.
Your trial will begin immediately. You won't be charged during the trial period, and you can cancel anytime without incurring any charges.
- After logging in, your API key will be visible on your dashboard on the API Key page ( https://divineapi.com/api-keys)
2. Importing the Postman Collection
Import our Postman collection to facilitate your API testing:
- After logging into your Postman account:
- Open This link: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/27195761/2sA3Qs8rfV
- Click “Run in Postman” and then select “Run in Web”.
- Select your workspace and then select ‘import’.
3. Configuring Your API Request
Once the collection is imported:
- Locate the "Monthly Horoscope Prediction" API request.
- Ensure the method is set to POST.
- Use this request URL: https://astroapi-5.divineapi.com/api/v2/monthly-horoscope
4. Setting Request Parameters
This API call necessitates only your API key. To find your API key.
- Go to your DivineAPI dashboard > API Key page.
- Click on “Copy” next to the API key
Notice the difference between the key, and the Access Token.
Go back to Postman to set the parameters.
- Navigate to “Authorization”, select “Bearer Token” in the Auth type, and then add the token from your Divine API profile.
- Navigate to 'Body', select 'form_data', and then add:
- Key : api_key | Value: <Your_API_Key>
- sign: “Aries” - Enter the zodiac sign.
- month: “current, prev, next” - Enter the week.
- tzone: "5.5" - Timezone offset from UTC.
- lan : “en” - Enter the language.
- Please ensure that the bearer token is exactly the same as in your profile, with no changes in spacing or formatting.
5. Making the Request
Hit the 'Send' button to submit your request.
6. Deciphering the Response
The API's response will be structured as follows:
"success": 1,
"data": {
"sign": "Aries",
"month": "April 2024",
"monthly_horoscope": {
"personal": "This month emphasizes reconnection with your roots and family. You might find comfort and joy in home-based activities or revisiting old memories. It's a period for nurturing relationships that matter most. A family gathering or a heart-to-heart conversation could strengthen your bonds. Embrace the love and support of your inner circle, as it will uplift your spirits.",
"health": "Prioritizing your physical well-being is key this month. It's time to refine your fitness routine or embark on a health journey that focuses on holistic wellness. Whether it's trying out a new sport or dedicating more time to rest and relaxation, your body will thank you. Remember, consistency is more important than intensity. Small, sustainable changes can lead to significant benefits.",
"profession": "Your career is marked by creativity and innovation. This is a moment to think outside the box and bring fresh ideas to the table. Your enthusiasm and unique approach could catch the eye of superiors or potential collaborators. While you're set to make waves, ensure you're also attending to the details. Balancing visionary thinking with practical application will yield the best results.",
"emotions": "Emotional exploration and self-discovery are highlighted. You're encouraged to dive deep into your feelings and understand what truly motivates you. This introspective journey could reveal new passions or paths to happiness. Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge that growth often comes from facing uncomfortable truths. Embrace the process, and you'll emerge stronger and more self-aware.",
"travel": "The stars hint at transformative travel experiences. Whether it's a solo journey that challenges your independence or a trip that sparks spiritual growth, be open to where the road leads. Traveling with a purpose or seeking out new cultures will enrich your soul and broaden your perspective. Keep an open mind, and let curiosity be your guide.",
"luck": [
"Colors of the month : Quartz Xanadu, Willow Zinc",
"Lucky Numbers of the month : 5, 3, 1",
"Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : A, K, D",
"Cosmic Tip : See cosmic wonders as signs pointing towards the Creator's majesty.",
"Tips for Singles : Resist the urge to get back together out of loneliness.",
"Tips for Couples : Stay zipped: In tents, jackets, or shared secrets!"
- The Monthly Horoscope Prediction API response provides a detailed horoscope for Aries for April 2024, covering personal life, health, profession, emotions, travel, and luck. Each section offers specific insights and guidance for the month.
- The "luck" section includes colors, numbers, alphabets, a cosmic tip, and tips for singles and couples.
- Use these fields to display a comprehensive monthly horoscope for Aries users.
7. Error Resolution
Ensure your API key is correctly entered if you encounter errors, as most issues are due to invalid or missing API keys.
8. Further Assistance
For additional support or inquiries, feel free to contact our customer service team at admin@divineapi.com.